Elise Quinn Larson
author : Elise Quinn Larson
Elise Quinn Larson and Quinn Larson are pen names for the author, who grew up in Minnesota with a book in one hand and a pen in the other. When her first story--a Western adventure--delighted her third grade classmates, the writing bug bit hard and never let go. The author's degrees in history and criminology led to a career in Oregon's criminal justice system, which provided a background for two of her novels--Destiny: Our Forever Love, and Forbidden: Our Secret Love.\n\nWriting contemporary romance novels as Elise Quinn Larson and tales of the Old West as Quinn Larson, the author delivers plenty of passion, conflict and love in every story. You'll find sex scenes, adult situations and controversial subjects, but the language is not riddled with the f-word.\n\nThe author lives with her husband and two spoiled cats in a small town in Oregon. She plans to stop fixing up old houses so she can spend more time writing and traveling to Arizona and Montana, plotting more stories along the way.